How do you know what’s real? What’s true?
When you live with anxiety, you’re hoodwinked by your senses. That cafe you’ve been writing in for years suddenly feels unsafe. That cycle ride. Those meadows.
So where now is safe and what is true?
Suddenly, the idea of continuing on that passion project you’ve been labouring over for months fills you with ennui and dread. That genius idea seems shallow and feckless.
So tell me, what is real? What is true?
We depend on our bodies to provide the feedback by which we make sense of the world – the tingle of pleasure, the tug of unease. But when that feedback mechanism becomes scrambled, nothing remains real, true and enduring for long. Without a reliable antenna, a trusted navigation system, destinations are no longer arrived at.
And the world ceases to make sense. There is no solid ground to stand on.
And your life and endeavours become a series of shallow holes dug in the earth.
Rather than one deep one.
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